Education, training and academic services

  • Academic review and publishing

    Our expert scientists and academics have authored dozens of peer-reviewed academic publications and reports in fields from materials chemistry to linguistics. Our team specialises in technical writing, report preparation, thesis review and technical training to boost the chances of publication in international journals, or ensure your PhD or Master’s thesis is prepared to the highest standard.

  • Teaching excellence

    Our education experts have years of experience from inner-city Manchester primary schools, to elite European primary and secondary, and UK further education courses. With a particular focus on linguistics and language aquisition, particularly for English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners, we have bespoke courses to help your teachers and lecturers navigate the OFSTED and course hurdles and help ensure you are leading an outstanding team.

  • Tax, technical and compliance training

    Tax, technical and compliance training

    Our tax-qualified and technical team members also provide ad-hoc training sessions and workshops to teach small businesses the basics of R&D strategy, tax, and regulatory compliance to help ease the burden and streamline regulatory compliance for start-ups.