Industry Spotlight: Motor Racing

As we enter October and the final race of the British Touring Car Championship, we close another year of intense R&D for racing teams across the sport. Further tweaks to the governing ruleset mean that teams and drivers have had to continue to get to grips with the hybrid power system.

On top of this, the move to three-part qualifying impacts the wear on critical components such as tyres and brakes, meaning that development and testing has been needed throughout the year as teams strive for a competitive edge.

These development themes are likely to continue into the 2024/25 race season as the use of the hybrid boost system is further tweaked and the sport continues to expand is sustainability initiatives.

Stonebank Consulting has a proven track record in assisting teams across the motorsport industry. To explore your opportunities to offset development costs as part of an R&D claim, email us at for a free consultation.


Industry Spotlight: Agriculture